Europe Direct Lombardia

Interreg Alpine Space 2021-2027: approvati 18 nuovi progetti classici

Il Comitato del Programma Spazio Alpino ha approvato 18 nuovi progetti classici.

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A Bled, in Slovenia, il 5 e il 6 giugno scorsi, il Comitato del Programma Spazio Alpino ha approvato il finanziamento di 18 progetti "classici" per un budget complessivo di circa 33 milioni di euro del programma FESR.

L’avvio dei progetti è previsto per il 1° luglio o il 1° settembre 2024 e i candidati selezionati saranno invitati al workshop "Get Started", che si svolgerà il 24-25 giugno 2024 a Salisburgo in Austria.

Ecco i 18 progetti "classici" approvati:

  • A-DROP | Alpine DROught Prediction
  • ALPHA | Advancing 5th-Generation District Heating and Cooling Networks in Alpine Space
  • AlpsLife | Protect Alpine Life by monitoring and managing Alpine biodiversity for the future. “Observing globally, acting locally”
  • APOLLO | TerritoriAl corPOrate weLfare through digitaLization and cOoperation
  • ASTER | Alpine Solutions for the Transition of the textile and plastic Equipment industry and the harmonization of interregional 5R strategies
  • BAUALPS | Building circular in the alpine space
  • DEGREE4ALPS | DigitalisEd and GREEnmobility for ALPine Space communities
  • DiMark | Transnational Network for Linking Digital Earth Observation to Freshwater Markers for Better Understanding of Water-connected Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Prevention in Alpine Region
  • DIVERSE | Integration of bioDIVERSity conservation within bioEnergy production for a low-carbon energy mix in the Alpine region
  • HACK-IT-NET | Enabling an Alpine region Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork
  • LiveAlpsNature | Biodiversity protection through new and One-health-orientated tourism approaches in Alpine Protected Areas (APA) based on eco responsible visitor management and innovative communication
  • MARGIN | Managing Groundwater Sustainability in Urban Areas: Quantifying the vulnerability of groundwater quality & quantity to climate change and urbanisation, and developing adaptation measures for cities
  • RECENTRE | Support the green transformation of the Alpine manufacturing sector and the uptake of advanced technologies for the well-being of workers
  • RESPOnD | Climate resilient alpine wine orchards
  • SOIL:OurInvisibleAlly | Facilitating implementation of EU soil legislation in Alpine municipalities, thus seizing transnational knowledge, mutual learning & concrete, cross-sectoral implementation on local level
  • TIGER | FosTering ehealth and social Innovations as Game-changers in sEnior and Remote care
  • WATERWISE | Co-designing sustainable management solutions for resilient Alpine headwaters
  • Woolshed | A New Era for Alpine Wool

La partecipazione italiana è particolarmente significativa: in tutti i 18 progetti approvati sono presenti partner italiani per un totale di 40 con ruolo di partner e 10 con ruolo di capofila.

Per ulteriori informazioni potete consultare il sito del Programma Spazio Alpino.


Redazione Europe Direct Lombardia

Data di pubblicazione: 11/06/2024

Data ultima modifica: 11/06/2024